Hi, I am a 16 year old male in good health. I am not fat and do not smoke or drink. Before I say anything I will inform you that I did not have erectile dysfunction before this problem. Last year at gym class we were playing dodgeball and this dude threw a soft dodgeball reall hard at me and it hit my penis. After that I fell to the ground and it hurt so bad. I went home and I saw that I couldn’t hol an erection for more than 5 seconds and they weren’t hard either. I could bend my penis while it was erect. My doctor is a lazy idiot who keeps saying its not that it’s genetics and never gives me a referral to a urologist. Recently I visited the urologist and he said nothing was wrong without even check the problem. This is really pissing me off and I’m scared! what do I do??
Chosen Answer:
There are valves in the erection process that allow more blood to enter the penis, and hinder it from leaving the penis, and the working of these valves is accomplished through the body using nitrous oxide in the blood stream to work those valves. The brain sends signal through nerves to the penis base area to work this process.
Even though women think that they are way more complex, not so!
Just getting an erection seems so simple, especially at ages of puberty and through most of life, but it’s an amazing and complex process.
Then there is the emotional and confidence part as well.
Anxiety from the first problem can even be shutting you down some, focusing on the when it didn’t work and kind of parking there?
What ur experiencing is so not normal, and it’s not genetics, from your Dad, or u wouldn’t even be here! Go to a different doctor who is young, and tell him what happened and what you have gone through.
Ask for referral to a doctor who specializes in males organs and sexual functional.
Don’t give up Dude, or accept dead ends, because being 16, you have a really good chance of getting this corrected and no doubt will.
As someone else said, you should be having a difficult time keeping the stone hard erections under control, and explain that to the doctor. Any doctor who isn’t an idiot should understand that unless he’s dumb or lost his total memory from where he was in his teens and 20′s
A young doctor in his 20′s will care about your sex life, relate to your experience, and want you to have a good sex life. Older doctors are good for lots of things, but not this one.
Wanting the best for you Man, and for us Dudes, our sex is about number one on our list, aside from survival.
Me! :- I
by: Me! :- )
on: 23rd February 09